"Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example ..."
1 Timothy 4:12
"Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example ..."
1 Timothy 4:12
1 Timothy 4:12
1 Timothy 4:12
We are a Christian tutoring and mentoring organization aimed to
help youth identify potential, develop a vision past their circumstances and focus them on their purpose by accomplishing one goal at a time.
Let No Man Works - Foundation is a non-profit organization founded in 2022 by former foster youth; R. Matthew Johnson who believes, no matter a person’s circumstances, background, or stage in life, they can have overcoming victory with God!
Our program offers youth the chance to publish their own book as well as receive tutoring, mentoring, and a number of fun skill building enrichment opportunities. We aid in shining a light on a future that youth make happen instead of one that happens to them.
Our team is made up of educators, mentors, publishers, producers, artists, trainers, licensed therapists, social workers and other mental health professionals who are passionate about supporting the mental health and wellness of youth in our community.
We partner with a variety of organizations, local churches, and businesses of which all play a part in youth achievement and program completion. This way we expand the level of support we can offer to ensure youth has a village behind them.
Ninety-Seven percent of youth that complete our program will reduce specific problem behaviors presented at school or home.
One Hundred percent of youth that complete our program improve in academic skills/ performance.
10% of all book purchases are donated to various youth programs. Get your copy!
Identify yourself with cool gear that shows your support.
Help a youth publish their very first
book by donating.
PO Box 42697 Charlotte, NC 28215
Copyright © 2023 LNMW - Foundation - All Rights Reserved.